CPA Student Experience Program
The Cabbagetown Preservation Association's Student Experience Program (SEP) supports graduate students at the masters or doctoral level from universities in the City of Toronto whose research can be shown to be relevant to the historic Toronto Cabbagetown neighbourhood.
The $1,500 award will be made annually to one or two graduate students when funds are available. It is designed to support the student's ongoing research, and not to add additional research burden, but rather, through knowledge mobilisation, to bring current research and contemporary ideas to the community. The award funds are for the use of the student exclusively. Any additional costs associated with creating a public presentation or an installation will require prior approval by the CPA, and once approved will be paid by the Association. An additional benefit to the student is the the opportunity to use the CPA's social and print media to promote their work.
In terms of topics, we interpret our mandate broadly. Topics include architectural, heritage, and urban planning issues. We are also interested in the landscape, for example, issues related to the past and the future of the Don River which runs through the neighbourhood. The Don is of deep historical significance to the Indigenous people who lived there, and today is the subject of a massive public works project . We are interested as well in people who lived in Cabbagetown and have made contributions to the wider community in the more recent past, many of whom you will find on our CabbagetownPeople site. We're also interested in the meaning of heritage in 2024 as heritage communities across Canada participate in a heritage reset conversation. Archival projects are also relevant. Your audience will be the Cabbagetown community and your deliverable should be directed accordingly.
Candidates from across all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Please contact Gale Moore, PhD, Past Chair of the CPA at if you are interested in exploring how your research may be relevant to this award.
The application form is HERE.
2025 CPA SEP Committee
- Steve Yeates, Chair, CPA
- Gale Moore, Past Chair, CPA & retired Professor University of Toronto
- Robert Johnson, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Toronto & longtime Cabbagetown resident
- Sarah MacKinnon, MSc in Planning, University of Toronto & Holder of a 2022-2023 CPA Student Experience Program Award
- Shalaine Sedres, MSc in Rehabilitation Science, University of Toronto & Holder of a 2022-2023 CPA Student Experience Program Award
Criteria for assessment:
- Relevance to the mandate of the CPA
- Creativity and likely impact of proposed knowledge mobilisation
- Demonstrably viable project (i.e., based on research already in progress or connected to an active research team)