Cabbagetown Talks

Cabbagetown Talks is an initiative designed to support the CPA’s goals of advocacy, education and community engagement. Going forward, in line with the CPA principle of collaborative advocacy, we hope to partner with other local associations on topics of mutual interest.

We are working on our next Cabbagetown Talk. To be announced soon.


Our Cabbagetown Talks

A summary of each Talk appears in the following issue of the semi-annual CPA newsletter.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss ideas for future talks or would like to help us organize them.

 Our Next Cabbagetown Talk!


  • Steve Yeates
  • Gilles Huot


February 27, 2024Panel discussion on the future of Parliament Street to improve our shared understanding of what redevelopment can or should look like in a heritage neighbourhood, and how the community can influence it.

November 30, 2023Parliament Street: Past - Present -Future

For details, check out our Fall 2023 newsletter

April 13, 2023Re-Imaging Planning:
The St. Luke's United Church Redevelopment Project

Nov. 21, 2019Regent Park and Cabbagetown: Past & Future

Feb. 27, 2017Imagining Cabbagetown: Our Place in the City: Part I

Oct. 25, 2016Imagining our Main Street