Don MacMillan
Don first moved to Cabbagetown in 2008. He grew up in Montreal and was a high school teacher and administrator before moving to higher education administration. After a stint as founding Registrar at the new Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC, he moved in 1998 to the University of Toronto where he held several roles and has just retired as Registrar of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.Don’s first experience in Cabbagetown was in a new infill townhouse just off Parliament Street, then in a gorgeous semi on Winchester Street and now in a row house facing the park. Cabbagetown is a very special place and we both marvel about how we can walk to the hustle and bustle of downtown and then sit on our porch and see cows and sheep at the Riverdale Farm. Don and his partner Malcolm can be seen daily in Riverdale Park West with Molly, their 2-year-old white Labradoodle. Don also volunteers with the Fort York Food Bank.